Religions in the Americas

Volume 10 (2016)

Almighty God and the Almighty Dollar: The Study of Religion and Market Economies in the United States
Sarah Koenig

The Appalachian ‘Other’: Academic Approaches to the Study of Serpent‐handling Sects
Jenna Gray‐Hildenbrand

The Construction of Hinduism in America
Michael J. Altman

Volume 9 (2015)

Religion and Comics
Jeffrey M. Brackett

Affect and the Study of Religion
Jenna Supp‐Montgomerie

Volume 8 (2014)

A Touristic Angle of Vision: Tourist Studies as a Methodological Approach for the Study of Religions
Thomas S. Bremer

Metaphysical Healing and Health in the United States
Brett Hendrickson

Race, Religion, or Ethnicity?: Situating Jews in the American Scene
Annalise E. Glauz-Todrank

Religion and the Japanese American Incarceration
Anne M. Blankenship

Religion and Capital Punishment in the United States
Anthony Santoro

Volume 7 (2013)

Prisons and Religion in the Americas
Jennifer Graber

Therapeutic Culture and Religion in America
Katja Rakow

Religious Environmentalism and Environmental Religion in America
Evan Berry

Religion and the American Landscape
Michael Pasquier

Volume 6 (2012)

Evangelical Youth Culture: Christian Music and the Political
Shawn David Young

Religion and Sports in America
Annie Blazer

Black Theology and the History of U.S. Black Religions: Post Civil Rights Approaches to the Study of African American Religions
Rosetta E. Ross

Children and Religion
Susan Ridgely

Corporate Chaplaincy and the American Workplace
Chad E. Seales

Volume 5 (2011)

Thinking Sex and American Religions
Megan Goodwin

What is Canadian about Canadian Buddhism?
Jeff Wilson

War, Sports, and the Construction of Masculinity in American Christianity
Seth Dowland

The New England Singing School: Ritual Change and Religious Culture in Revolutionary America
Stephen A. Marini

Unstrange Bedfellows: Hip Hop and Religion
Joseph Winters

Shin Buddhist Women in America
Michihiro Ama

American Muslims and Religious Pluralism
Jane Smith

Religion and Science in America
Benjamin Zeller

Volume 4 (2010)

Punk, Metal and American Religions
Eileen Luhr

Emotion and Religious Community in America
John Corrigan

Class and American Religion: Historic Debates, New Perspectives
Lynne Gerber

Both American and Global: Jazz and World Religions in the United States
David W. Stowe

Religion and Country Music
John Hayes

Visual Culture and American Religions
Kristin Schwain

Intolerance and American Religious History
Lynn S. Neal

Food, Taste, and American Religions
Martha L. Finch

Volume 3 (2009)

Sound and American Religions
Isaac A. Weiner

Touch and American Religions
Candy Gunther Brown